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composer. arranger. producer. bass player. mixing engineer
Hi people. I’m happy to announce that my composition “Fake People” won the DOWNBEAT 43rd annual student music awards within the category of “Original Composition for Large Ensemble”
This piece means a lot to me. Both musically and personal reasons wise.
Many thanks for all of the great people on my Big Band, you all make this happen, the performance were superb, cannot appreciate more for your dedication. Ryan Siegel & Paul Meland u really brought the EMOTION out of it...
Thank you Bob Pilkington, for always being the hardest working and dedicated teacher. If you’ve never mentioned anything about “preview”, I would not be like who I am now. It was an eye opener for me. Berklee Harmony & Jazz Composition for the support. And all the winners, so proud of you all.
Lastly, I couldn’t be happier, the fact that I could won this award alongside with the person whom I love, within the SAME category. Yoko Suzuki, remember when we both screamed together ðŸ˜‚? It feels like I’m winning 2 awards, couldnt be much more proud of what we just achieved together.
I'm very happy to share that my composition "FAKE PEOPLE" won the 2019 SCI Jazz Composition Contest. 

It's really an overwhelming feeling when the piece that you truly believe in, could also be acknowledged by the others... it means a lot to me, really.

I originally wrote this for my Jazz Composition 3 Final Project, and indeed I put my time and thinking into this one. I wanted to push my self to the extreme and make a piece that really has a meaning behind it. I hope nobody is going to get offended, but if you do, well then...
It was one of the best concert I’ve ever led in my life. Thank you all for coming and supporting my show, my very last recital at Berklee, my Jazz Comp Senior Recital, I can’t thank u all enough for that!
4 years have passed... it’s indeed a really long journey. I’ve been exploring and wondering in so many different worlds. I was pretty much a rock and roll singer songwriter electronic guy to begin with, and eventually being here, as a “composer”? I came with sightreading level 1, and now writing for 17+staffs... Kinda wanna cry if I have to remember how terrible I was haha...
welcome to my new website! also, just turned 22... excited to show my world and feel free to explore. lot's of cool stuffs!
also, a throwback to my latest achievements. 2 months ago I won in 2 categories for downbeat magazine 42nd annual student music award. my composition princess of sahara for “original composition-large ensemble” and my rendition of nardis for “jazz arrangement”  
latest released
Princess of Sahara 2 is about Love Story. A story that tells this one princess who falls in love with this one peasant. An epic journey for them, trapped in society, seeking for the truth. Enjoy the journey of love.
"Crazy People" which is a part of my upcoming album "Suite for PEOPLE". I'm super glad that I finally got the chance to record this one and man... it's crazy.
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